Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma Definitions

Glossary terms, history, people and definitions about Lean and Six Sigma

Autonomation (Jidoka)

Also referred to as “jidoka,” it’s described as “intelligent automation,” where the worker has the authority to stop the process when an abnormality occurs. It utilizes the following four quality control principles:

  1. Detect/find the abnormality
  2. Stop the process
  3. Fix or correct the abnormality
  4. Investigate the root cause and implement a corrective action (countermeasure)

It uses a combination of automation and human intervention. Instead of relying on the worker to check the process and outcomes continuously, the equipment does the checking/inspection. When it finds an issue, the process stops, and the worker takes over the investigation process.  The worker waits for the process to alert a problem, then intervenes when needed. This allows workers to supervise numerous processes or equipment at once.



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